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Showing posts from February, 2020


HERE IS THE CODE FOR PRINTING HELLO WORLD USING C LANGUAGE #include<stdio.h> int main() { //print hellow world printf("hellow, world!"); return 0; } HOW THIS PROGRAM WORKS First of all , this is the basic program in c language #include is the predecessor that commands compiler to add stdio.h i.e.standard input and output int main is the main function which will be executed printf is used for printing/displaying text in printf command return 0 is written to exit for the program. THANK YOU LIKE SHARE AND COMMENT


Here are the top 5 TOPICS TO PICK FOR PROJECT BASIS LEARNING FOR PROGRAMMING you can take one of the topic for your pbl and surprise you friends and others. 1.Game development :-  Game development is a strong topic to chose if you don't have experience about hoe games are made you will have to give more time to learn it. There are various engines which will help you to make game very easily. One of the famous engines are UNITY, UNREAL, you can make game with webgl. you can make games for windows, iPhone,android and for many platforms. 2.Graphics in programming:- It is a easy topic for student to make program using c language and add graphics in it. But if you want your project different than other you should learn how to add graphics in c language. When you will get an idea about how graphics affect you presentation you can chose one good idea and make  it properly and be steady. 3.Artificial intelligence:- Artificial intelligence  (AI) refers to th...

Student database creation using c language | BLOG |

How to create a program using c language which will store information about students and you can add another students after also and you will be able to search student by his/her roll no.? ANS:- Here is the code  (Tip:- Make sure to compile this code and do practice a lot to gain knowledge about programming ) #include<stdio.h> struct student { char name[50]; int roll; float marks; }; int main() { int i,num,n,choice,flag,j,p,z,ch,r=0,c; struct student s[50]; do { printf("enter the process 1:ADD 2:diplay 3:search ");     scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:   printf("enter no of student\n"); scanf("%d",&z); r=r+z; p=r; printf("enter info\n"); for(i=0;i<p;i++) { printf("enter name\n"); scanf("%s",s[i].name); printf("enter roll no\n...


HERE IS THE CODE EXPLAINING HOW POINTERS STORE ADDRESS AND HOW TO DISPLAY ADDRESS OF VARIABLE AND VALUE OF VARIABLE CODE :-  #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() {   string food = "Pizza";  // A string variable   string *ptr = &food;  // A pointer variable that stores the address of food   // Output the value of food   cout << food << "\n";   // Output the memory address of food   cout << &food << "\n";   // Output the memory address of food with the pointer   cout << *ptr << "\n";   return 0; } HOW TO CODE :- coding is easy but only thing you need to do is practice. Do lot of practice of different codes with your compiler . if you have any questions about your code ask me with mail use #askque THANK YOU. FOLLOW US twitter :-


                                                          1.ONGC Buy ONGC  Current price 105.35 ₹  Target price 130 ₹ 2.YESBANK Buy YESBANK Current price 37.20 ₹  Target price 100 ₹ 3.VEDL Buy VEDL Current price 142.50 ₹  Target price 200 ₹ 4.TATAMOTAR Buy TATAMOTARS  Current price 169.50 ₹  Target price 190 ₹ 5.BANKINDIA Buy BANKINDIA Current price 63.10 ₹  Target price 80₹ 6.HINDZINC Buy HINDZINC Current price 190 ₹  Target price 210₹ 7.IOC Buy IOC Current price 114 ₹  Target price 130₹ 8.WIPRO Buy WIPRO Current price 243.75 ₹  Target price 252₹ 9.GOLDBESS Buy GOLDBESS Current price 35.95 ₹  Target price 40₹ 10.JAGRAN Buy JAGRAN Current pr...

Heuristic search methods explained!!! | blog |

Domain Knowledge  Knowledge about the problem domain which helps the designer to decide the heuristic function and their values. For example looking at the chess board position, a good heuristic function can state if this position is good or bad and how much. Heuristic function  a function which takes the game position as an input and tells how good or bad it for the player. Usually a quantified value between -10 and 10 are returned. 10 indicates a win for the player, -10 indicates the defeat and any other value describes the goodness of the position with respect to the value returned. The value returned by hashing function indicates the merit of that state. Hill Climbing  a heuristic search method which takes any next move which is better than the current based on the heuristic function’s value Local Maxima  when a heuristic search function returns lower values for all neighbours and the current node is not a goal node, th...


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The first problem is called 3-4 gallon water jug problem as described in the book by Elaine Rich. We begin with two empty jugs of the capacity of 3 and 4 gallons respectively. We have an infinite supply of water available and we want the 4-gallon jug to be filled with exactly 2 gallons of water. Another problem is called 8-5-3 milk jug problem which begins with 8-gallon milk jug completely full while other two are empty. We want exactly 4 gallons of milk in the 8-gallon jug. In either case, there are no other measuring devices available to us. ANS:-           I will answer the second problem here and I will give the code which you can run yourself and improve it if you want. One solution to the second problem is 8-0-0, 3-5-0, 3-2-3, 6-2-0, 6-0-2, 1-5-2, 1-4-3, 4-4-0. let us consider X-Y-Z as 8-5-3 jugs The code is :- #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int limX = 8, limY = 5, limZ = 3; int x = 8, y = 0, z = 0; in...


Share market prices can be high or low due to supply and demands. According to some search in 2020 some shares which rich people can buy are given below. The price of this shares are high as some people can not buy it but they can invest their money in mutual funds for this share. 1.BRITANNIA  This is one of the most brought and sold share in 2019,one will get profit by buying this share. Volume of this share is 6,69,153 on feb 2020. You should do search and make choice to buy or sell this share. 2.MRF Today, price of mrf is around 70,000 INR one can buy this share and can get profit in few months 3.BAJFINANCE  Rate of this share is around 4768 INR Highest price is 5245 INR and volume is 8 lacks make your mind and buy this share. 4.MARUTI  This share is selling at 7000 INR highest price is 7700 INR and volume is 5 lacks  5.BOSCHLTD price of this share is 14259 INR volume of this share is low which is around 13000 you should be careful before making your decisions.

Data structure is needed or not to learn AI ?

DATE :- 11/02/2020 While learning AI, it was difficult to understand without knowing data structures. So, I decided to learn data structures first. while learning AI one should think like computer then only he/she will understand it properly. learning of data structures depends on the purpose of learning AI. If you are only interested in research, no need to learn algorithms. But if you are going to implement AI in real world project, you must have to learn algorithms and data structures. It is not algorithms used in AI like neural network, back propagation techniques etc. AI is part of computer science same as algorithms and data structure which is responsible for solving and analyzing large problems with vast amount of data. Whatever data is given from AI algorithms or problems need to be handled in some general data structures and algorithms. AI also use many algorithms to solve its problems which are mandatory in either case. thank you.


DATE :- 10/02/2020 When heuristics are added, we will be in a position to compare alternatives based on heuristic values and choose one path over another to make a proper decision. If the heuristic is really good, the path chosen is usually better than others and we can reach to a solution much faster. Heuristic function We begin with a notion of a heuristic function. This function takes the problem state as the input and generates a value between some extremes. Usually, it is between -10 to 10. The value -10 indicates that it is impossible to reach to a solution (a goal state) from this given state while the value 10 indicates that the state is a goal state. There are two questions commonly arise when such argument is presented. The first question is how to write such a function. We may, for the time being, assume that such a function is defined and available. The second question, if such a function is available, how to put it to use. some examples are gi...


DATE :- 10/02/2020  A typical chess playing program might need to evaluate a million states during a serious chess game. We will look at two types of search, guided and unguided. Unguided search is done without the help of heuristics while guided search takes the help of heuristic in choosing seemingly better path than the rest. Guided and unguided search Let us go back to the previous chapter and look at the 8-5-3 gallon milk jug problem. Suppose we have no clue about how to achieve the solution, we may start randomly and try applying any rule which is applicable to a given state space. We may have a sequence which is different than what led to the solution in the previous chapter but if given enough amount of tries it is quite likely to reach to a solution barring an important point; the solution path should not contain any cycles. For example consider following sequences 8-0-0, 3-5-0, 8-0-0, ... 8-0-0, 5-0-3, 0-5-3, 3-5-0, 8-0-0, .. 8-0-0, 5-0-3, 5-3-0, 2-3-3,...


DATE :- 09/02/2020 Both problems we have seen in the previous module were comparatively simple as there was the little prerequisite for applying rules. To emphasize that important part, let us take two more problems which rely heavily on the prerequisites for applying a rule. A missionary cannibal problem Let us take our next example to reiterate our understanding of state space, the start state, the end state, the rules and using those rules to solve the problem, especially the preconditions under which a rule is to be applied.  The problem is called a missionary and cannibal problem. Three missionaries and three cannibals found themselves on one side of a river. All of them have to move to the other side. The only boat available for communication can carry maximum two of them at a time. Minimum one of the travelers must come back to get the boat on the side where others are waiting. Another condition is, at no point in time, the missionaries should be less than the nu...


DATE :- 09/02/2020 Today, I created  GitHub  account in my PC. it's name is krg72 you can find me there. I was not knowing what is  GitHub . Then I find some information from google . This blog is to give information about  GitHub  properly. Just read it and you will understand why and how  GitHub  is used. In this blog, you will learn: Introduction to GitHub Create repository in GitHub issues extras What is GitHub? Many people come to GitHub because they want to contribute to open source  projects, or they're invited by teammates or classmates who use it for their projects.  Why do people use GitHub for these projects? At its heart, GitHub is a collaboration platform. From software to legal documents, you can count on GitHub to help you do your best work with the collaboration and security tools your team needs. With GitHub, you can keep projects completely private, invite the world to collaborat...


Date : 08/02/2020 Many AI problems are hard to solve because they are difficult to be characterized. Not only the problem but a path to the solution is also hard to be characterized. While considering chess game , If we go and write every chess move, we may not be able to complete it in our lifetime. Solving AI Problems The first problem is called 3-4 gallon water jug problem as described in the book by Elaine Rich. We begin with two empty jugs of the capacity of 3 and 4 gallons respectively. We have an infinite supply of water available and we want the 4-gallon jug to be filled with exactly 2 gallons of water. Another problem is called 8-5-3 milk jug problem which begins with 8-gallon milk jug completely full while other two are empty. We want exactly 4 gallons of milk in the 8-gallon jug. In either case, there are no other measuring devices available to us. One solution for the first problem is 0-0, 0-4, 3-1, 0-1, 1-0, 1-4, 3-2. (Where n-m indicates quantity of wate...

first blog

date : 08/02/2020 I created my first blog today. I completed 1st module of artificial intelligence and started module 2. In module 1 introduction to AI is given. AI has many definitions associated with it. The AI  is a way of solving difficult problems. Difficult problems which are done by humans, like brushing teeth, brushing is very complicated process to be done by robot. If power is low or high it can not do work . It is the first time I think how chess game in android works. there are infinite numbers of moves to play. But with help of AI it is actually working . Old chess games at high difficulty level were taking so much time to play one move but now it takes only few seconds.           Humans are able to guess and work. but a program can not do that easily. Programs works  stepwise.